Currently self employed Maria Radici Healing Space
Astrologer (Trained by Sydney Astrology School)
Adolescent Astrology chart reader (Trained by Rohini Academy of Astrology)
Counsellor/Qualified Social Worker ( University of WA)
Diploma of Art Therapy(College for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy)
Reiki Master (trained with Cathy Arts)
Advanced Pranic Healer/ Pranic Psychotherapist (Institute of Inner Studies)
Psychic Development/High Clairvoyance (Institute of Inner Studies)
Advanced Scalarprana/ Scalarprana Psychotherapist (Scalarprana Australia)
Certificate 4 in Training and Assessment (Scorpion Training Solutions)
(IICT) International Institute for Complimentary Therapies member
Member of IICT and Society of Professional Social Workers
Current holder of Working with Children Card.