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Pisces Lunar Eclipse with Earth Grand Trine - Transitioning into New Realities, Deeper Surrender and Further Dissolving the Veils, Opening to Incoming New Human Abilities

Pisces Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees is working directly with Neptune in Pisces! Plus, sextiles from Pluto RX in Capricorn and Uranus RX in Taurus means this cycle is deeply transitioning us into new realities. The cosmos is deeply changing. The Sun and Mercury are focused on the important matters of the day, while the 3 planets in Pisces - Saturn, Moon, and Neptune - are reminding us that nothing is forever. We are being guided to unravel and release so we have energy for the new dreams that will emerge in 2025 and 2026. A stabilizing, practical Earth Grand Trine is featured, along with a Kite to the lift off focus of the Pisces Full Moon. Your intuition will continue to expand after this Lunar Eclipse, as we are strengthening in our light bodies after years of healing work. Spiritual levitation helps move through big 3D transitions as significant endings are features.  


On September 17th or 18th depending on where you live there will be a Pisces full moon lunar eclipse that is beginning our second Eclipse season of the year and this is quite a powerful one so it occurs at 25 degrees of Pisces Moon 25° of Pisces and the Sun is at 25° of Virgo.  We have powerful influences here from the three outer planets so we have an earth Grand Trine with the sun in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn at 29° and Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 26° this could feel like you are ready for change you are ready to do something differently in your life.  This is a time of drastic powerful invigorating changes maybe people making surprise declarations or something occurring that feels right on time and powerfully aligned with a next chapter. Now we have that moon at 25° of Pisces which is the center point of a lunar eclipse, and the Moon is conjunct Neptune retrograde in Pisces at 28° so here is the moon feeling that intuitive dreamy openness of Neptune in Pisces and there is going to be a lot of intuitive downloads about what to do next in your life what changes to make. 


This Pisces lunar eclipse is about some very deep letting goes at a soul level but when you see Pluto and Uranus is supporting it. There is a big Cosmic change that we are all feeling, and the planet is holding space for that, and the Earth is feeling it too. Pluto is trine the sun in Virgo and Uranus is trine the sun in Virgo creating a kite configuration and the Apex is this lunar eclipse, so it is right on time.  You could feel like there's part of your practical mind or scientific mind that is getting on board. It is that sense of well I do not quite understand it, but I feel it. I feel that all this energy here in in Pisces plus the support of Pluto and Uranus is like lifting the Virgo energy off the ground a little bit which Virgo does not want.   Virgo is like keep me on the ground, but this energy is pulling us into new experiences of new frequencies and next level of light body activations where it is what you let go of that you have been cleansing purging refining.  The Virgo energy likes to be efficient, be in good shape to be healthy to have a responsible lifestyle and you could feel that changing.  It leads to this ability to let go of where you have been and that there are new ways of moving forward that you cannot see yet we are going to be moving through foggy terrain that takes us to a higher destination and the light body which is the body feeling lighter holding higher frequencies.  This could also be an activation for the next level light workers, healers, intuitive energy readers those who are coming into more of their spiritual gifts are going to feel this deeply that you need to move on from where you have been onto the next part of your spiritual path.  It may be that people open even more to their spiritual guidance their Angels their Cosmic teams. 


There can even be a sense of trusting it more and living with that energy in a more grounded way meaning including honoring of your intuition and trusting what you are feeling.  There can also be heightened escapism.  There can be a lot coming up in the real world that you want to trust the process and surrender.  It is a grand surrender when the moon is conjunct Neptune especially towards these final degrees of Pisces, but it is grounded with this Earth Grand Trine so wherever this is occurring for you there is an opening into more messages can help you integrate and embody that energy even more in a practical everyday way.  It could also lead to rewiring of our systems perhaps even a sense of feeling like what used to concern you or worry you does not affect you as much anymore. There could also be a sense of reprogramming and how we are living with the new energy, the new downloads, and the new intuitive guidance and how we are honoring it as part of our Ascension process.


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