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Libra Solar Eclipse Energies: Lilith Birthing and major alignments with Dwarf Planets Make Make and Salacia.

The Libra Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees is working with Mercury, the South Node, and Black Moon Lilith all conjunct in your chart, which powerfully opens new areas of yourself that you have not acknowledged or accepted. Black Moon Lilith is strongly activated, which brings up shadows, fears, repressed energies, and hidden realms within ourselves.

 On October 2nd we have a Libra solar eclipse.  This is a new moon solar eclipse with the sun and the moon conjunct at 10° of Libra plus we have mercury at 11° of Libra the South node is at 6° of Libra and Black Moon Lilith also at 10° of Libra. So, this solar eclipse is exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith.  Black moon Lilith, a point it is the furthest point in the lunar cycle from the earth spends 9 months in each sign and she just entered Libra in late June of this year and will stay in Libra until late March 2025.  So here she is at 10° exactly conjunct a solar eclipse which is a new beginning point.  Black Moon Lilith is where parts of our energy reside that we have repressed we feel shame it is in the darkness of our own subconscious.  So, she shows us parts of ourselves that are going to be coming up and coming to light that she has been holding the last time she was in Libra in late 2015 and the first half of 2016.  So, this solar eclipse is going to trigger and open parts of yourself that you have not fully seen acknowledged or dealt with from the past 9 years of relationships in the Libra area of your chart.  Libra is where we exchange and share energies and one-on-one connections including people you know and interact with including business partners, any form of Partnerships.  Black Moon Lilith also represents what we do not like in ourselves and in others the parts of ourselves that are uncomfortable to bring into the light this relates to people you do not like.  Libra is associated with those people you know based on how you interact with those people and there's people you do not like you do not have common ground and those you agree to disagree with energetically.  Libra can go back and forth back and forth this Libra solar eclipse is going to open some of the darker underbelly of Libra and show you either what you are learning through another, mirroring and projections and give us opportunities to handle that in a new way to approach from a higher Consciousness. This conjunction to Black Moon Lilith is going to bring up more of those shadowy repressed parts of ourselves and in others that we are meant to know fully acknowledge and see and to know we can be equipped to move through various conversations situations relationships even if there is not Harmony and how can you still maintain that level of detachment and objectivity.  This new moon which is when the sky is the darkest and it is working with the darkest point of the lunar cycle there is going to be more darkness and discomfort coming to the surface rising and we are going to look at how we maintain our own balance how we take care of ourselves where we can apply boundaries now.  Libra is ruled by Venus is in Scorpio which is the investigator there is a passionate intuitive energy there this is where Venus goes into her unconscious, she goes into her own shadow self and areas of herself she has not fully accepted she has not fully loved so that reiterates this theme of being strong enough to journey into parts of ourselves that are uncomfortable at first but that is how we transmute transform it.  Now this Venus is supported with a water Grand Trine to Mars in cancer and Saturn retrograde in Pisces and Saturn being a part of this water Grand shrine is important because Saturn in Pisces is helping you understand where you need to let go let something go,  close it out be complete where you need to forgive yourself first then forgive another if appropriate where to be compassionate with your human self you're only doing your best that's all you can do is your best even if it's messy or intentional and you make mistakes and you trip over your own feet whatever it is you can only do your best.  This Saturn in Pisces is reminding us to be kind to ourselves to be compassionate with ourselves and it is also assisting both Mars and cancer and Venus and Scorpio with letting something go because Mars in cancer will stay attached to the past will stir in something that has left a strong emotional imprint and will circulate in it to his own detriment.  Venus in Scorpio is a fixed sign will stay fixated on something until she gets her way until she has moved through a deeper experience but Saturn in Pisces is providing a long-term perspective that it is time to let something go but with emotional authenticity meaning it is not a mental Choice.  The Libra energy is going to bring up more about what needs to be let go of in your emotional body in your emotional world what are you ready to complete for yourself to set yourself free to close out a chapter.  So, this Saturn is assisting the deeper work that Mars in cancer and Venus in Scorpio are doing showing you what you need to let go what you need to let go of.  Then this intense focus on the Libra areas of your chart is where you could be going back and forth between choices and scenarios and it is like the mental processing is strong but because these energies are working with the South node it is also a letting go and closing out something move on from.  There is a lot rising and it happens on October 2nd but the energy unfolds going into January 2025.The

next eclipse cycle moves to Virgo in Aries and the South node moves out of Libra in January 2025 so there is going to be intense choices decisions here and the highest good is what can you let go of what are you complete with and you feel it what are you phasing out and closing out that is the answer that is the best choice.  As these black moon Lilith energies come up see them for what they are because they could be connected to your survival needs from when you were younger they could be connected to primal unconscious parts of yourself that were not mature or didn't know their choices and it can be connected to other people's energies that you have to accept that it's not your responsibility So this is the last Libra solar eclipse you're meant to feel a freedom from whatever you've been learning through these Libra themes


Interaction with Dwarf Planets Make Make and Salacia.(Mermaid Energy)

This month's new moon eclipse is almost exactly conjunct our new Planet of systems Consciousness Make Make and exactly opposite our new planet of Higher Love Consciousness Salacia so what does this mean for the coming month.  The new moon is the beginning of the monthly cycle and so it is the seed that will unfold in this coming time. The eclipse of the Sun by The Moon tells us that the normal paradigm will be upended this month with our feelings getting in the way of our will.  MakeMake is our understanding of the world and our place in it and there is just sensation which we interpret. Over time we develop our Make Make understanding of how the world works to keep ourselves safe.  One way we can do that is to hide in plain sight, Make Make enables us to understand the context of each moment and we may use that understanding to blend into the background like a chameleon. We then need to embrace the rich culture that is created through our insights and we must trust in our reality model and use it to engage with the world rather than use it as a camouflage to keep us safe from attention. It works both ways but the more we engage with the world the more opportunity we must refine our model and develop it we must get into our model and drive it around to continually update it based on our new experiences the more we expand and test our data set the better our model becomes and the more useful it is in charting our way forward.  Playfulness is a way of removing the fear of failure in this process.  So, the new moon eclipse conjunction with MakeMake tells us that the more we can play with our reality this month and live out our role in our world that we perceive around us the more we will grow in Consciousness and bring spirit spiritual nourishment into our lives.  Now the opposition to Salacia tells us that there could well be intimate relationship involved in our play or maybe that our intimate relationships are pulling us away from the rich new beginning that we are experiencing.  So, we will need to balance these two sides of our lives.  This Salacia is our higher love Consciousness and she gives us a deep sensitivity and a genuine love of life and Humanity.  This love enables us to weather both the material as well as the psychic storms in our lives as we develop spiritually. Salacia enables us to remove the barriers to happiness and we learn to approach life with an easy sense of humour and wit that helps us get through the difficult times.  Humour enables us to let go of shadow by being light-hearted, we learn not to take ourselves or others so seriously and this lightness enables attention release which both protects us and assists our growth. This month the more light-hearted we can be in that process the better it will go to embrace Higher Love we need to lift ourselves out of the salacious side of our lives, out of love as a material experience and develop our psychic sensitivity.  When we do Salacia gives us the power to foresee opportunities evaluate them and find the appropriate time to embrace them especially when the commitment feels risky and we know we are going to be profoundly transformed by that experience.  She enables us to take the leap of faith that is required in this transformation because we know in our heart that it is right for us.  This month we could be picking up on what others are thinking before they articulate it. We could also be drawn to psychic phenomena such as hypnosis telepathy near-death experiences synchronicity or apparitional experiences we need to trust our psychic sensitivity and use it to inform our process.   Salacia has an appealing nature which enables our work to appeal to everyone and be popular even when it is confrontation she brings it across so the new understanding behind the new beginning we are experiencing with this new moon might be appealing to other members of our community or we might be able to mediate the acceptance of our work in some way or facilitate other people's involvement at the top level.  Salacia is about bringing true love into our lives and empowering us spiritually true love sustains us through its presence and constancy giving us a tenacity and a resourcefulness as we meet the challenges of each moment. So, this month the Salacia opposition suggests a light-hearted approach will be beneficial and that true love is possible while the Make Make conjunction suggests that playfulness and standing out from the background and engaging with the systems in our lives is the way to grow in Consciousness.

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